Charles Holmes has seen new life born out of connections between people. His unique place in the midst of those connections enables him to see constellations not clearly visible to others. A new partnership Charles has formed with Axiom News is intended to story the magic of this connectedness.
What’s Possible When We Connect?
Charles Holmes partners with Axiom News to explore threads of relationships and spaces created by them

Spend a little time with Charles Holmes and you quickly discover the power of connecting and community. He is a messenger between worlds and the bridges he creates are built on relationship.

As a master convenor he travels the globe responding to invitations to host generative conversations amongst people from all walks of life and fields. If you accompany him as he visits people in various networks the mosaic of diversity is stunning. How he keeps his head straight or his feet on the ground is a marvel. As a connector he often puts people from distant worlds and networks together with incredible results.

He’s seen new life born out of connections between people. His unique place in the midst of those connections enables him to see constellations not clearly visible to the rest of us, his friends and colleagues.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
  Charles Holmes

Whether it was the birth of the Academy for Systemic Change, the connectedness of gifts in Salmon Arm, B.C., or community in La Paz, Baja California restoring its local fishing waters, each new possibility was born of connecting, relationship, and gifts.

To story the magic of connectedness Charles is partnering with Axiom News. In the next few months the partnership will connect with Charles’ friends and colleagues to explore the threads of relationships and spaces created by them.

Members of the Axiom News team will be reaching out to people to memorialize how new relationships were begun, how gifts were brought into the light, and how they remain at work in our lives today.

Short stories will appear on the site twice a week.

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A version of this article was originally written for the Charles Holmes Consulting news service. This repost, for which we received permission, follows the style guidelines of the original post. To learn more about generative newsroom options for your organization or community, please contact peter(at)