On November 25, 500 social innovators will gather at Vancouver’s new Convention Centre for B.C.’s first Non-Profit Partnership Summit: Collective Impact through Social Innovation. The event, hosted by the B.C. government, has been designed to stimulate conversation among business, labour, government and community. To do that they’ve invited 5 impressive presenters; thoughtful panelists; mystery guests; and you.
For those who can’t make it in person there will be a live web broadcast.
Have a look at this lineup. Any one of these could attract a full house on their own.
In order of appearance:
Adam Kahane: Adam is a specialist at solving tough problems in many of the world’s toughest situations. He has helped design the transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa; reconcile warring factions in armed conflicts around the world and launch the Sustainable Food Lab. His most recent publication is Power and Love. Adam’s talk will focus on Solving Tough Problems Together.
Geoff Mulgan: Speaking by telepresence Geoff will focus on Accelerating our Collective Impact. Geoff is credited with reviving the influential Young Foundation and putting social innovation concepts on the policy agenda in Britain and Europe. He has just recently become CEO of NESTA — National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts — an independent body with a mandate to make the United Kingdom more innovative.
Tim Brodhead: Tim, just retired as CEO of the influential McConnell Family Foundation, and is a leading thinker and practitioner of social innovation. He is now a Senior Fellow at Social innovation Generation (SIG). His most recent publication is “What Canada Needs Most in a World of Unpredictable Change is Resilience.” Tim will respond to the question: What can we do today to strengthen our resilience in 2020?
Janice Charette: Janice is Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs in Ottawa. As such, she has lead responsibility for the health and social care federal cash transfers agreements which must be re-negotiated by 2014. Those agreements will have a major impact on the health of Canad’s health-care system and our capacity to take care of each other. Janice was one of the earliest public servants to speak publicly about social innovation.
Tamara Vrooman: Tamara is CEO of Canada’s largest credit union. During Charlie Leadbeater’s recent visit to Vancouver he observed that B.C. has something that even the U.K. with its head start on social finance does not — an innovative mainstream financial institution. He was referring to Vancity. Tamara will kick off a discussion on Growing the Social Economy with reflections on Vancity’s innovative Community Investment portfolio.
I’ve had a look at the draft program and there will be additional surprises. If you can make it to Vancouver and would like to register click here. You might be still be able to secure a ticket. If not, sign up for the live streaming. Or, view and listen at your leisure after the 25th.
Click here to view this blog’s original post on www.aletmanski.com.